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Saturday, April 21, 2007

Aromatherapy: the Sweetest Way to Boost Fertility Naturally

Author: Kristen Hart

If you are trying to conceive naturally and find that it isn't happening quickly you may be feeling a little anxious. Would you be happy if there was a way to lower your anxiety symptoms and
Increase your fertility? There is - aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy is growing more and more popular and for a good reason. It's simple and non-invasive. You use essential oils, which are distilled and purified from various plants. Aromatherapy is simple to use at home and very safe. Just remember never to take essential oils internally.

There are several oils that are reported to help increase fertility. The first is Clary sage, a golden yellow oil. This earthy oil is said to help calm nerves and reduce stress. It is also considered to have aphrodisiac properties. Rubbed into the skin over the reproductive organs it is said to help balance estrogen levels and remedy infertility.

Rose essential oil is another great choice to increase fertility. It has a pleasing, soothing scent. Like Clary sage, it is said to have aphrodisiac properties. Rose is excellent for enhancing both male and female fertility. Have your man take warm (not hot) baths with several drops of rose oil in the water. You can do the same. This will increase sperm count in him and help enhance reproductive health in you.

Rosemary was traditionally woven into bridal headdresses because it was believed to grant fertility to young brides. The essential oil of rosemary is also seen to have fertility enhancing properties. Rosemary oil, diluted in gentle carrier oil, can be rubbed between the hip bones to help sooth inflammation in reproductive organs, or to help open blockages. Men may also find this helps.

Finally the versatile and ever pleasing lavender oil is useful for increasing fertility. Lavender is soothing and has slight aphrodisiac effects, both of which help to make lovemaking more pleasurable. This pleasure allows for the right temperature, lubrication, and alkalinity for conception to be present in the body. Lavender oil is wonderful equalizing oil and is gentle enough to be used right on the skin or as carrier oil for drops of other fertility enhancers.

Exploring aromatherapy for fertility enhancement is just plain fun. You will love to surround yourself with the luscious and pleasing scents. Cool oils also feel good rubbed into your skin. The relaxing properties of oils will help ease your mind, and of course aphrodisiac effects will help the baby-making events happen a little easier.

About the author:
Kristen Hart owns a site devoted to helping families get started naturally. Be sure to visit and subscribe to's full natural fertility article series to learn more about fertility enhancement.

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  • posted by Fertility Goddess @ 8:54 AM   0 comments

    Basic Tips for Getting Pregnant

    Author: Heather Barnard

    Many people write to me desperate to become pregnant but under the impression that all they have to do is to have unprotected sex a few times and you will become pregnant. These couples soon find out that this is not the case; many begin to wonder if there is something wrong with them and start to wonder if they have a fertility problem.

    A little investigation into the process of becoming pregnant will show us that the woman ovulates only once a month and that the ovum will only last about 12 hours before it dries up and becomes unable to be fertilized. This little fact alone puts into perspective the timescale a little and when you think that you have been having unprotected sex for 3 months and that to
    you seems like ample time to become pregnant then think again about the percentage of the total time in those three months that you could actually conceive and you will begin to understand why it is actually a close to a miracle that anyone becomes pregnant at all under the best of circumstances.

    We have so much fear of getting pregnant drummed into us as teenagers that we really believe that simply having unprotected sex a few times will undoubtedly result in pregnancy and when it doesn't we begin to wonder if we are infertile or not.

    Simply arming yourselves with a little knowledge of how the process of pregnancy occurs and how the male and female bodies react can dramatically improve your chances of becoming pregnant.

    Little facts like how to tell when you are about to ovulate, how the man can increase or decrease the potency of his sperm and knowing what foods are congenial to conception can all increase
    your chances of becoming pregnant and raise your hopes so you do not sink into a depression about not becoming pregnant which can also have a detrimental effect on the conception process.

    Here are a few very general tips I give out to the many people who regularly write to me the very same question... 'I have been trying to get pregnant for three months and can't... Please help me';

    * The basic key is to keep a healthy mind and body... i.e., health eating, no drinking, smoking or drug taking (including prescription drugs where possible - consult your doctor).

    * Smoking not only causes damage to the fetus in the first few days of existence but also greatly lowers the chances of getting pregnant for both the male and female.

    * The use of cannabis or marijuana acts as a natural contraceptive slowing the sperm's ability to travel by up to 50%.

    * Are you aware of when you ovulate?

    * In an ideal situation you should aim to make love a few hours  before ovulation actually occurs.

    * Repeated ejaculation dramatically lowers the male sperm count. To retain a healthy sperm count you should make no more than once every 2 or 3 days.

    * Avoid the use of tight male underwear

    I have presented you with a few basic tips which you may or may not have already known. You may also benefit from reading my ebook 'The No Nonsense Guide To Getting Pregnant' which can be found here:

    Check out our website for more information and tips and if you feel that you are still doing all the right things and have tried everything then you may want to consult your doctor to see
    if there is an obvious medical problem as a large percentage of fertility problems do have a solution.

    About the author:
    NoneHeather Barnard -
    Author of the No Nonsense Guide To Getting Pregnant - Complete guide to getting pregnant

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  • posted by Fertility Goddess @ 8:53 AM   0 comments

    Stopping the Biological Clock

    Author: Bradford Kolb, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.,

    Oocyte Crypreservation- Stopping The Biological Clock by Bradford Kolb, M.D., F.A.C.O.G., Board Certified, Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility and Christy Jones, CEO, Extend Fertility

    For decades, sperm and embryos (fertilized eggs) have been successfully frozen for the purposes of fertility preservation and donation for men and couples. Although both sperm and embryo cryopreservation have become commonplace, the freezing of unfertilized oocytes (or eggs) for similar applications in women has not historically delivered the acceptable success rates necessary to drive adoption across the board.

    Unlike sperm and embryos, oocytes did not survive the freeze/thaw process well, primarily because the egg is the largest cell in the human body and comprised mostly of water. The water inside the cell forms ice crystals that destroy the egg during the traditional freezing process. Prior to 2002, the success rate of live births from frozen eggs was 1-3% globally, with few babies born from frozen eggs over decades of attempts.

    Fortunately, a number of advances in our knowledge of oocyte physiology and laboratory techniques are rapidly changing this dream into a reality.

    The ability to preserve unfertilized oocytes is profound if one looks at the potential benefits and some of the controversies surrounding reproductive medicine. Egg-freezing should appeal to a broad range of women. Ultimately, the common factors that link all of these women are the strong desire to have a family and the willingness to take proactive steps to give themselves the best odds possible.

    1. While some couples are comfortable with the concept of embryo freezing, many have moral and ethical dilemmas regarding this issue. For those that believe that life is created at the moment of conception, each frozen embryo represents a life and, if unused, a life unfulfilled. Oocyte cryopreservation, like sperm cryopreservation, presents us with the possible opportunity to preserve one's fertility while avoiding these ethical dilemmas.

    2. Oocyte cryopreservation provides young women facing chemotherapy or irradiation for treatment of life-threatening disease, such as cancer, the opportunity to preserve their
    fertility. The importance of this cannot be understated. Treatment regimens for many of the malignancies faced by adolescents and young adults result in the destruction of their gametes (sperm or eggs). The advancements in cancer treatments are also ensuring that many of these cancer survivors are living long, productive lives. Thus, the opportunity to preserve their ability to have children later in life is critical.

    3. The professional and personal opportunities for women have exploded over the past 30 years, encouraging many women to postpone motherhood. Unfortunately, the biology of female eggs hasn't kept pace and women often face challenges starting their families later in life. Women, who are born with a limited supply of eggs, start to experience diminished fertility rates in the late twenties and this rapidly accelerates as they reach their mid-thirties. Childlessness is one of the biggest concerns for professional women. Studies show that the majority of the 33% of high-achieving women that are childless at ages 41-55 did not choose to be childless. In fact, more than a quarter of high-achieving women in the 41-55 year old age group said they would still like to have children. For women in this category, the ability to preserve their eggs (and thus their future fertility) gives them more flexibility as to when they can start their families.

    4. Oocyte cryopreservation will allow those who need to resort to egg donation (the use of someone else's eggs due to the diminished fertility potential of their own eggs) more
    affordable treatment options. Today, when a couple chooses to use donor eggs, they must bear the cost of the entire donor's IVF cycle alone. The ability to use only the limited number of eggs necessary while freezing the unused eggs will allow couples using donor's eggs to cut their expenses dramatically. This will allow individuals who were unable to afford such services the opportunity to pursue having children.

    Techniques Given the magnitude of the need, clinicians around the world have raced to develop a technique for successful egg-freezing, and beginning in 2002, promising results ranging from 20-40% successful pregnancy rate (on par with a woman's natural peak fertility rate) were published. The key difference over previous techniques was the change in cryoprotectants used to protect the egg during the freezing process. Cryoprotectant acts as an "antifreeze" to protect the delicate egg as the temperature drops.

    Before attempting to understand how our ability to cryopreserve unfertilized eggs has been achieved, it is important to understand how sperm and embryo (fertilized oocytes) cryopreservation has long been commonplace. The major problem faced in freezing a cell is to minimize damage to the membranes induced by ice crystal formation. Intracellular ice formation is dangerous because it may rupture the cell membranes causing cellular destruction. The smaller the cell, the less likely ice crystal formation will occur.

    Sperm cells are about 180th the size of a mature egg and thus can be easily preserved. Embryos, which are eggs that have been fertilized, are approximately the same size as mature eggs, but are much more likely to survive the freezing/thawing cycles.

    This is due to the fact that the eggs' membranes undergo dramatic changes during fertilization, making them more likely to tolerate the stresses associated with freezing. The use of cyroprotectants and highly controlled freezing/thawing rates have dramatically improved the survival rates of frozen sperm and frozen embryos. In many ways, the lessons learned from freezing sperm and embryos are being applied to freezing oocytes. However, the unique nature of the female egg has required additional study and technological developments.

    A number of approaches have been taken in order to maximize the survival rates of frozen oocytes. The greatest success has been achieved with protocols that use slow freezing/rapid thaw protocols. Critical to any freezing protocol is the use of cryoprotectants.

    Cryoprotectants act by a variety of means to reduce the amount of water that crystallizes within the cell and protects the cell during the freezing process. Common cryoprotectants include an alcohol (1,2-propranediol), a carbohydrate (sucrose) and a solvent (DMSO). The concentration and the duration of exposure to most cryoprotectants (alcohols and solvents) are critical, as exposure to high concentrations or exposure for prolonged periods of time can result in damage to the cell. We have found that increasing the concentration of sucrose (a relatively safe cryoprotectant that works by pulling water out of the cell) results in significantly improved survival rates, fertilization rates and pregnancy rates for frozen oocytes.

    We also have found that the removal of the cryoprotectant with progressive dilution is a critical step in the thawing process. If oocytes are placed directly in a medium without cryoprotectant after thawing, they can swell and burst. The use of nonpermeating molecules (molecules that do not enter in the thawing cell) such as sucrose, act to oppose the inflow of water into the cell and thus prevent the membrane from bursting.

    Others have recently undertaken investigations using a process called vitrification; a process that utilizes ultrarapid freezing techniques. While some pregnancies have been achieved utilizing this technique, it has not been shown to be more efficacious than slow freeze/rapid thaw protocols and is more susceptible to human error.

    This process exposes the egg to potentially damaging levels of cryoprotectant and direct exposure to liquid nitrogen. Exposure to liquid nitrogen is a critical factor in this age of concern over infectious agents. The infectious agents, while rare, can result in life-threatening illnesses. This is a critical concern as the cryopreserved cells are stored in common tanks and a single tank may contain thousands of cells.

    Regardless of the freezing technique, the oocyte goes through a number of changes that make it less likely to fertilize using standard co-incubation techniques (the mixing of eggs and sperm together).

    The understanding that the zona pellucida (an exoskeleton that covers the outside of the egg) undergoes changes due to the premature release of the cortical granules (these are normally released at the time of fertilization and prevent multiple sperm from fertilizing the egg) is an important factor that has lead to improved success with frozen eggs.

    This has led to changes in how frozen oocytes are fertilized. With the introduction of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), the results for fertilization, embryo development, and for implantation rates (attachment of the embryo to the uterus) are approaching those obtained with fresh embryos.


    We are just reaching a time where it is becoming feasible to preserve unfertilized, mature oocytes. These are harvested after taking fertility medications to induce the maturation of a number of oocytes. Women of this generation want more options and power when it comes making life decisions and plans. This is an exciting next step in the long line of developments in the field of women's reproductive health - on par with the introduction of the birth control pill.

    Dr. Bradford Kolb is a reproductive endocrinologist and OB/GYN at Huntington Reproductive Center in Pasadena, CA Phone: (626) 440-9161 or Toll Free (866) HRC-4IVF Website:

    Christy Jones is the CEO and founder of Extend Fertility in Boston, MA Phone: (800) 841-7197 Email: Website:

    U.S. Census Bureau. "Distribution of Women by Average Number of Children Ever Born, by Race, Age, and Marital Status." Fertility of American Women Current Population Survey (June 2000).

    National Parenting Association. "Groundbreaking Study Exposes A Crisis Among Successful Women: The Survey Behind Sylvia Ann Hewlett's 'Creating a Life.'" National Parenting Association Web site.

    About the author:
    Bradford Kolb, MD, F.A.C.O.G.

    Undergraduate -University of California, Irvine Medical School
    University of California, Irvine

    Residency Obstetrics & Gynecology-Northwestern University

    Fellowship Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility-University
    of Southern California

    Board Certifications-Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility
    Obstetrics and Gynecology

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  • posted by Fertility Goddess @ 8:51 AM   0 comments

    Friday, April 20, 2007

    Secret Confesions of a Childless Woman!

    Author: Peggy Butler

    Where is it written that all women were meant to have children?
    Is this a foregone conclusion or the pompous attitude of a society that believes a woman isn't complete until she gives birth? How absurd!

    I've tried baby sitting and I've tried cajoling my cousins, all seven at once. And as a result, I've learned a very valuable lesson, children and Peggy don't mix. Coming from a small family
    where I was an only child, everyone assumed that I would get married and have a house full of kids. Fortunately, I didn't hitch a ride aboard the Wedding Train Brigade, which I have never regretted. As for kids, I'm all for having them, as long as they're someone else's.

    As a baby boomer with a thriving free lance writing career, I'm tired of hearing that my fertility clock is in the final stage, and within a year all my eggs will be shriveled up. Heck, I'm so busy thinking about writing the next best seller, the last thing on my mind is shrunken eggs. Besides, where is it written that all women were meant to have kids?

    Since I was a child, I've been told there is a verse in the Bible that says "Be fruitful and multiply," that has served as the chief factor for some folks reproduction continuance. Several family members who shall remain anonymous, have told me umpteenth times, that women were put on earth for that reason. Whew! Does that mean every time a woman has sex, she does it for the sole purpose of having a baby ? Now, I don't know about other women, but I make love for the feel and thrill of it. Any questions?

    Traditionally, women are noted for their maternal instincts. And society automatically assumes motherhood is always somewhere in the back of our mind. So it's only natural when I tell people I don't have kids, they become curious and question my sexual orientation and/or reproduction cycle. In defense of myself I tell them that I love men and as far as I know having a child would not be a problem, if I so desired.

    Not surprisingly, this does not deter them from asking more questions. So to end the debate I ask them, "Are you telling me that I should have kids just for the sake of having them to prove to the world that I'm normal?" This usually causes them to respond with a nervous laugh followed by "No, that's not what I'm saying." I quickly follow up that with "Based on what you're saying, women who don't want kids because of fear of giving birth or lack of finances are abnormal?" As the argument ensues, they explain that there are thousands of women who give birth and can't afford to give their child all the things he or she needs. My response is generally, "So, why should I bring a baby into the world if I can't afford to feed, clothe or educate them?" This usually ends the conversation and the irate busy body walks off in a huff mumbling words I've yet to decipher.

    Okay, now that we've dealt with the psychological aspect of being childless, let's focus on the false perception of the parenthood trap. When I see friends and relatives with four or more children struggling to make ends meet, I know I've made the right choice by choosing to remain childless. Similarly, when I see women "tracking" their boyfriends so that they can get money to buy their infant a can of baby formula, I know I made the right choice. Lastly, three years ago when I was doing research for an expose on dead beat dads, I recall the hundreds of women who petitioned the HRS on behalf of their children to pay child support. In reviewing these public documents, I noted that only a small percentage of the women received financial assistance from the biological fathers. Now tell me, what's so intriguing about that?

    For the sake of argument, who says I don't have the right to remain childless? Is there a law against women over 40 not being a mom? Where is it written that I must succumb to the whims of society and give birth? It's ironic that all the women who tell me how selfish I am for never having children, have difficulty taking care of their off spring because they receive no financial support from the fathers. Can you say "utterly confused" ladies? Fortunately, this is the lifestyle they have chosen. However, that is not for me. With so many great things going on in my life I don't have the time or energy to knock someone's else's lifestyle. Moreover, I'm the last person to tell a woman what to do with her body; even when it comes to women who have chosen to have as many as 16 children, I reprimand them not, because they are free to live their life based on their specifications. Likewise, I expect society to let women who remain childless by choice to live theirs.

    As a columnist who loves writing about controversial issues, according to the National Center of Health Statistics, the percentage of women who are able to have children but chose not to, increased from 2.4% in 1982 to 6.6% in 1995, and that number is expected to rise in the 21st century. Certainly, not a huge number by any stretch of the imagination, but the increase gives credence to the fact that being childless by choice is becoming more ACCEPTABLE. Now, how's that for a dose of reality?

    About the author:

    Peggy Butler is a freelance writer based in North Central Florida. She has written for various magazines and Internet publications including, TimBook Tu, and Emerging Minds ( a popular ezine based in Atlanta). Moreover, Butler who lists collecting 60s memorabilia among her hobbies, writes news, features, sports and entertainment articles, as well as
    commentaries and humor pieces. Visit her website at

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  • posted by Fertility Goddess @ 4:12 PM   0 comments

    Ovulation Tests

    Author: Elizabeth Morgan

    Instinct tells a woman that she is ready to conceive, but to be doubly sure take personal or laboratory tests. For starters, estimate the approximate time of ovulation by calculating the
    length of the average menstrual cycle. Begin from day one, that is the first day of the menstrual period, and the last day is the day before the next period begins. If the menstrual cycle is
    28 days, then subtract 17 days, which equals day 11. Use the predictor kit on day 11 and continue testing until positive. This means that you will ovulate within 24 to 36 hours.

    This sounds intimidating, but in non-medical terms ovulation is interplay of glands and their hormones. Presence of progesterone is confirmed through blood tests and if the level is higher than 20nmol/L it is indicative of ovulation having taken place. The blood test is done around 3 to 10 days before the first day of menses. Another method to test ovulation is through pregnancy ultrasound whereby the presence of a fetus is verified. For women trying to conceive it is not advisable, as pelvic ultrasound has a similar success rate as pregnancy ultrasound.
    Other methods of testing are checking on cervical mucous changes, basal body temperature or salivary ferning three to four days prior to ovulation.

    Ovulation Tests are gaining popularity through the use of ovulation calendars or predictor kits to pin down fertile periods or avoid unwanted pregnancies. Normally women ovulate in
    the middle of the monthly menstrual cycle, depending on the length of the cycle. Sometimes ovulation happens twice in a month or, in an unhealthy body, plays truant. Avoid drinking too much water or frequent urination when taking an Ovulation Test, as it limits accuracy.

    For urine Ovulation Testing an early morning urine sample is ideal, as it contains the maximum concentrated hCG presence. If testing during the day, do not urinate 3 to 4 hours before test.
    The response time for a home Ovulation Test is about five minutes. Since the LH surge at time of ovulation is brief, one should test at right time of month and day.

    Another method of Ovulation Test is through test strips with control color bands and intensity baselines for reference. Certain medicines have an adverse effect on test results, especially fertility drugs or pills. Consult your doctor or wait for two menstrual cycles before monitoring LH levels. For maximum effect, store test kits at room temperature and read instructions carefully before doing a test. Other tracking devices are Basal Body temperature thermometer and mini microscopes for testing saliva or cervical mucus. An understanding of your ovulation cycle will help identify the testing methods.

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  • posted by Fertility Goddess @ 4:10 PM   0 comments

    Horny Goat Weed- A Herbal Plant That Would Make You Horny?

    Title: - A Herbal Plant That Would Make You Horny?

    Author: Maria

    Horny Goat Weed- A Herbal Plant That Would Make You Horny?

    There is a piece of history behind this herbal plant. Horny Goat Weed is used in traditional Chinese medicine, and is native to China. Hundreds of years ago, a goat herder noticed incessant sexual behavior in his goats. He observed the goats and noticed whenever they ate certain weeds, the goats promiscuous behavior became even more noticeable - hence, Horny Goat Weed.

    Horny Goat Weed
    is also called Ying Yang Huo in Chinese, and has been used to treat kidney, joint, liver, and back disorders, and it's also used as an aphrodisiac. Horny goat has testosterone
    like effects, stimulating sexual activity, desire, increases sperm production, and stimulates sensory nerves.

    How Does Horny Goat Weed Work?
    Horny Goat Weed has been used as an aphrodisiac for hundreds of years, and research has also proven its effects on improving sexual desire and performance. So how does Horny Goat Weed work? Research has shown that Horny
    Goat Weed can inhibit an enzyme called acetylcholinesterase (AChE). AChE rapidly stops neurotransmission at cholinergic synapses like those found in the brain and at neuromuscular
    junctions, which are needed for speedy responses in the neuromuscular system. By inhibiting AChE, Horny Goat Weed supports higher levels of the key cholinergic neurotransmitters
    associated with sexual arousal.

    Horny Goat Weed Research
    There has been much research done on Horny Goat Weed , and its aphrodisiac effects have been well demonstrated in animals and humans.

    In a study done by Steven Lamm, M.D, 38 men were administered 2 capsules (2 X 800mg) of herbal complex of epimedium grandiflorum, maca pure (lepidium meyenii), mucuna pruriens, and polypodium vulgare (in short, Horny Goat Weed) for 45 days: 25 were healthy men and 13 were men already taking Viagra. Another 4 capsules of Horny Goat Weed were taken 1 to 2 hours prior to sexual activities. The study found 13 of 20 healthy men responded positively to Horny Goat Weed, and 6 of the 13 men already on Viagra also had a positive effect from using Horny Goat Weed. In most cases, the men reported overall improvement in sexual satisfaction and increase in sexual desires.

    Pinnacle Horny Goat Weed Ingredients
    Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium grandiflorum) 500 mg (Standardized 10% icariin) Maca Pure' (Lepidium meyenii) 250 mg (Standardized 0.6% macamides & macaenes) Macuna pruriens 33.3 mg (Standardized 15% l-dopa) Polypodium vulgare 25 mg (Standardized 8% 20-hydroxyecdysone) Maca Pure - is a botanical from Peru used by the natives as an aphrodisiac, and also to help increase energy levels. Maca has been used for centuries to enhance fertility, and its fertility enhancing effects were initially supported way back in 1961. Macuna Pruriens - also know as velvet bean has been used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat Parkinson's and nervous debility. It's also used to treat depression and improve mental alertness. The benefits of Macuna extends beyond being just an aphrodisiac, it contains L-Dopa which helps lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Studies have found Macuna to enhance male sexual performance. Polypodium vulgare - is a fern that contains a group of substances called ecdysteroids. Studies on animals have found ecdysteroids to be androgen like and have anabolic effects (muscle building effects). This androgen-anabolic function is thought to actively support the contractile activity of erectile proteins associated with sexual activity.

    Horny Goat Weed Side Effects
    There are no documented,undesirable Horny Goat Weed side effects. In the study mentioned
    above, no side effects were noticed in any of the participants. However, many positive side effects (or benefits) were noted:

    The men noted overall increase in satisfaction with their sex life The men reported a increase in desire to engage in sexual activity Some men also reported a increase in their partner's
    satisfaction - presumably from their improved performance At retail, a bottle of 60 caps of Horny Goat Weed will cost around $18, shop online

    About the author:

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  • posted by Fertility Goddess @ 4:08 PM   0 comments

    Thursday, April 19, 2007

    Detox Your Body to Conceive

    Author: Sandra Kim Leong

    You would like to prepare your body for pregnancy. You take your daily dose of chromium and prenatal vitamins, exercise, sleep well, and chart your cycle so that you are sure to know when you are most likely to conceive. You've done just about anything your friends, magazines, mother or mother-in-law have to advised on this subject. Yet, you find it difficult to conceive .

    Now, have you considered an alternative healing method: body detox? Detox is simply the process of eliminating toxins from your body. An overaccumulation of toxins occur with an unhealthy diet, unclean water or in a polluted environment. When this is an excess of toxins, the functions of your body organs slow down and do not perform optimally.

    In fact, it is believed among fertility specialists that difficulty to conceive results from a body imbalance. Imbalance can happen emotionally or due to excess stress, hormones or an excess of acidity. When you detoxify your body, you stop feeding it large amounts of sugar that affect your hormones and that throw your acid/alkaline levels out of whack. These sugars come
    from the processed foods in your diet. Without the process of digestion to focus on, your stressed body can focus on cleaning out toxins. Once your body is sufficiently cleansed, your body is well prepared to "house" a fetus.

    It is not just diet alone or fasting or special teas that will aid you in detoxifying your body . Just eliminating highly processed foods full of additives and sugar is a start. More fruits and vegetables will help in a gentle cleansing program.  Healthy bowel movements to eliminate waste from the body every day is an absolute must!

    Exercise plays an important part in cleansing our body. Lack of exercise allows toxins to accumulate in our bodies, thus affecting balance necessary for smooth functioning of all organ parts. Benefits of exercise for the purpose of detox include speeding up the removal of toxins and waste materials from the cells, increased blood flow that carries oxygen and nutrients to
    the cells, lowered blood pressure and increased lymph circulation. Exercise stimulates the development and maintenance of bone tissue, muscle mass, strength and endurance - all
    necessary for smooth labour and delivery later on. Just as physical toxins need to be cleansed, toxins that affect the mind and spirit must also be dealt with. Stress can create havoc to
    an otherwise healthy body. Stress can have a vast impact on the ability to conceive. To deal with stress, seek out meditation, deep breathing, healthy relationships and situations that boost
    your self-esteem. Alternative therapies that you can try are energy balancing and EFT.

    About the author:
    Sandra Kim Leong writes on detox and cleansing; including colon cleansing, liver cleansing, kidney cleansing, detox diet , juice fasting and alcohol detox . Read updates in her popular blog at

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  • posted by Fertility Goddess @ 7:58 AM   0 comments

    Why Couples Find Difficulty Conceiving: Causes Of Infertility

    Author: Jay Ashley

    The term infertility refers to the abnormal incapacity to produce children by natural means of conception. It also refers to the incapability of a woman to go through the entire course
    of pregnancy. Several couples throughout the world strive hard to conceive a child, however some find extreme difficulty in doing so and thus need medical assistance to be successful.
    Around percent of the people in the reproductive age are infertile according to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, a third of such cases affect females, another third affects males, and 15 percent affect both partners.

    Technically, a couple is considered infertile if they are unable to conceive a child within six months of unprotected sexual intercourse (or 12 months if the woman is over 35 years old),
    according to the INCIID (International Council on Infertility Information Dissemination). There are many reasons this may happen. Such factors may affect either the male or the female,
    or both partners.

    Causes of Male Infertility

    There are several factors that could lead to male infertility. A common cause is the problem with sperm production. An infertile male may be producing very little sperm cells or very
    weak/immobile sperm cells. A man may also be affected by an underlying disease or medical condition such as endocrine problems, diabetes, Kallmann's syndrome, hypogonadism,
    hyperprolactinemia, drug and alcohol-related problems, that hinder the production of hormones necessary for sperm production.

    Some men might have problems on their reproductive organs themselves. Among such conditions include Klinefelter's syndrome, testiscular trauma, mumps, Idiopathic failure,
    seminoma, varicocele, hydrocele, cryptorchidism, and the like. These conditions have direct effects on the testicles themselves, which are the organs responsible for sperm production.

    Some men might be able to produce healthy and plentiful of sperm cells but have problems of releasing them for proper intercourse. They might have an obstruction in the vas deferens
    (the tube that connects the testicles to the penis), infection, retrograde ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and hypospadias. This prevents the successful transfer of sperm to the female
    reproductive system.

    Causes of Female Infertility

    As a counterpart to the causes of male infertility, females might have problems with the production of healthy egg cells. They might have problems in their ovaries such as polycystic
    ovary syndrome, luteal dysfunction, diminished ovarian reserve, Turner syndrome, anovulation, ovarian neoplasm and premature menopause, which hinder the healthy maturation and appropriate release of egg cells.

    A woman may also be infected by other conditions that affect her reproductive health. Among such conditions include diabetes mellitus, adrenal disease, liver ailments, kidney malfunction,
    thyroid disorders, and psychological problems.

    A woman may also have problems with certain glands that produce necessary hormones for reproduction. Among such diseases include Kallmann syndrome, hypothalamic dysfunction,
    hypopituaitarism, and hyperprolactinemia.

    Some problems may also be affect the cervix, making it difficult for sperm to reach the egg cell. Such problems include anti-sperm antibodies, cervical stenosis, and insufficient secretion of mucus for the travel of sperm.

    The uterus or the womb itself might not be conducive for carrying a child. There could be uterine malformations, leiomyoma or uterine fibroids, and Asherman's Syndrome.

    Infertility is a difficult problem. Fortunately, the wonders of medical science has produced several treatments for both male and female infertility. To know more about them, one can simply consult a fertility clinic, a gynecologist or a urologist.

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    About the author:
    Infertility of a major concern in many households but it does not have to be another stress in your life. For more information and resources regarding infertility checkout Jay's site todayat and start getting the answers you've been longing for.

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  • posted by Fertility Goddess @ 7:58 AM   0 comments

    Fertility In The Human Race

    Author: Melvin Ng

    The ability of both animals and people to produce numerous healthy offspring is called fertility. This term was originally applied only to the females but with better understanding of the reproductive mechanisms, the importance of male fertility is also gaining in importance. A person or animal that cannot produce offspring is considered to be infertile.

    With humans, fertility in a person depends on various issues like sexual behavior, nutrition, culture, endocrinology and instinct. Along with this timing, emotions, economics and the
    way of life all play an important part in the fertility of a person. Animal fertility also follows such factors and displays great mechanisms. Vegetables and plants in farmlands also experience fertility, which is the capacity to produce large yields of fruits, seeds or vegetables.

    The term fertility rate is the measure of number of children per woman. This was first considered a good indicator of population growth. However, it is not so much so in Asia anymore. This is due to selective abortion and various other factors that the number of females in Asia is rapidly decreasing.  Because of this, the fertility rate is no longer considered to be  authoritative in measuring population growth in the Asian countries of China, Myanmar and India.

    The hormonal cycles in both men and women help to tell when the woman can conceive and when the man is very fertile. Though the hormonal cycle of the female is constant, about twenty eight days long, the male cycle is variable. The fourteenth day of the female cycle is the most fertile period for females. This is because they ovulate at this time. There is no such period for
    men to ejaculate and produce sperm which is produced any time of the month. However, it is their libido that may dip and this is what scientists refer to as their hormonal cycle.

    It is during the fourteenth week of fetal growth that a woman's eggs forms in the ovaries. They remain there till puberty where the eggs mature one by one. On ovulation, the egg bursts from
    the ovary. This may sometimes because a small and sharp pain called mittelschmerz . The egg breaks down within twenty fours into its protein components if the egg is not fertilized by a
    male's sperm . These components are then reabsorbed by the body.  Because the quality of a man's sperm starts to deteriorate after age 35, it is recommended by some fertility clinics that men  freeze their sperm before this age if they plan to have kids later. There are men however who produce healthy sperm long after 40!

    Women are most fertile in their twenties, and their fertility starts to diminish after 30. It is often better to get pregnant at a young age as the possibility of miscarriage increases with age. Even the possibility of birth defects in the baby increases with the age of the mother.  Multiplying the possibility rate of a conception with the miscarriage rate and the birth defect rates give the best possibility of a healthy birth.

    About the author:
    For more info on fertility, ovulation, infertility and pregnancy, please visit our website.

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  • posted by Fertility Goddess @ 7:58 AM   0 comments

    Wednesday, April 18, 2007

    Wicca Fertility Spells

    Wicca Fertility Spells

    Author: Rose Ariadne

    In this article, I am going to give you 2 spells that will help you with issues under the umbrella of "love and fertility". I'm going to show you two real magic spells for two different things.

    There are many couples and spouses that struggle with having a baby - that is a fact. Many have turned to Magick such as the spell I am going to show you below, and have consequently seen everything change very quickly...

    I'll also go into another spell that will help you turn a casual relationship, and give it the extra energy it needs to take it to the next level. Be careful with it though, don't ever affect anyone's free will with a spell...

    Candle Egg Fertility Spell

    Create your own strong, powerful egg that will help you with fertility issues. If you are having problems getting pregnant, this spell will help.

    * First make the candle mold: punch a small hole in the large end of a raw egg. Use a cuticle scissor to cut out a small circle of eggshell. (Buy a dozen eggs; you may need to practice
    a bit.) Empty the egg into a bowl. Use as desired. Gently wash the inside of the eggshell with water. The membrane and all of its content need to be thoroughly removed. Allow it to dry

    * Prepare the wax. (You may also add tiny fertility charms or herbs.) Use the egg carton as a holder. Place the eggshell, hole-end up, in the carton. Pour in liquid wax, reserving a little. (When it's half full, you may add tiny seed beads, charms or herbs if you choose, although the candle is effective without them.) Let the wax harden overnight.

    * Next day: gently heat the reserve wax until liquid. Gently chip away the shell, exposing your candle. Heat an ice pick or similar sharp thin tool: put it through the center of the candle and quickly thread with a wick. Fill the hole with the hot wax. Decorate. Keep as an amulet or burn in a spell.

    More Than a Fling Doll Spell

    To turn a casual relationship into something more by tapping into your Magick energy and focusing it to bring love into your life from someone you already know :

    * Cut out dolls to represent each party from an unlaundered bed sheet, stained with sexual fluids. Personalize as much as possible. Embroider or draw names onto the dolls if secrecy is
    not an issue.

    * Fill each poppet with love-herbs: roses, rosemary, orrisroot, heartsease, and vervain. Bind the dolls together, face to face, belly to belly, with scarlet ribbons. Slip the package under the
    mattress on the side the other party usually sleeps on.

    About the author:
    Rose has been practicing different forms of Witchcraft for over 27 years. For more information on " magicspells that really work visit her site The Ask Rose Ariadne
    Witchcraft Site"

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  • posted by Fertility Goddess @ 7:29 AM   1 comments

    Female Infertility

    Author: Olivia Andrews

    Female infertility is a growing problem. Infertility means the inability to conceive or produce offspring. The main cause of infertility is a reproductive system that impairs the ability of the body to perform necessary functions of reproduction.

    Infertility affects nearly 5.3 million people in the United States. It is frequently treated with therapies such as medication or surgery which may or may not help depending on the couple being treated. There are two types of infertility:

    1. Hypo fertile couples that are having difficulty conceiving. They may be having problems with timing and often they can conceive with the help of special treatment. Examples are men with low sperm counts and woman with endometriosis.

    2. Sterile couples are unable to conceive without the help of medical or surgical treatment. For example, a man without enough sperm to fertilize the ova or a woman has blocked fallopian tubes.

    Causes of female infertility

    Factors that contribute to infertility are malfunctioning of the reproductive system or inability to release a healthy ovum in the fallopian tube. Other reasons such as endometriosis, infection or blocked tubes also lead to infertility. Another important factor is the inability of the sperm to enter the mucus that lines cervical canal leading to the uterus. Aging among woman also leads to infertility because they are more likely to conceive in their early twenties thereafter fertility
    declines after the age of 35.

    How can you improve your chances of conceiving?

    There are some basic facts which could help you in increasing your chances of conception.

    1. The best time for fertilization is ovulation that occurs in mid to late morning usually 12 to 16 days before the start of next menstrual cycles.

    2. The best time to have intercourse is a day or evening before the ovulation takes place as such the sperm will be readily waiting in the fallopian tube when the ova or egg arrives.

    3. The missionary position that is woman on her back and man on top usually is the best position for the uterus to receive sperm. But this case may vary in some situations so it
    is better that you consult your personal doctor.

    4. If you lie still for about 10 minutes after the intercourse so that the sperm that has entered the vagina has time enough to reach through the cervix.

    5. Because of the fact that sperm can live in the fallopian tubes for 2 or 3 days it could be possible to have intercourse one day, ovulate next day and conceive on the third

    6. To have intercourse thrice during a week of ovulation shall raise the odd that the sperm is present in the fallopian tubes when ovulation takes place.

    7. Fertility could be effected once you stop taking oral contraceptive pills or injectable hormones but the effect shall wear off by time.

    Visit our recommended website

    About the author:
    Olivia Andrews, writer of is a freelance journalist and has written many reviews on subjects such as finance, education, health, entertainment, music, gifts, crafts, travel, apparels
    and mobile phones.

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  • posted by Fertility Goddess @ 7:28 AM   0 comments

    How Pelvic Infections Cause Infertility

    Author: Michael Russell

    The pelvis is very important in female reproduction because it houses most of the reproductive organs. Pelvic inflammatory diseases (PID) has been known to be a frequent cause of infertility among women. In most cases, the infection of the pelvis starts off as a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by either gonorrhoea or chlamydia infections of the cervix. These infections are usually without symptoms, or in some cases, cause some cervical discharge. The bacteria responsible for these infections could, from the cervix, ascend into the uterus and fallopian tubes causing a painful infection and an accumulation of pus in the tubes.

    The ascension of the infection can be stopped by the use of antibiotics in the early stages, though, the normal body defense, with or without antibiotics, will act by forming a walled-abscess over, and to contain, the infectious bacteria. The abscess will eventually resolve in either of two ways. The abscess cavity would either become sterilized, the fluid eventually cleared and the abscess then goes away, which is better, or it ruptures and the infection then spreads further to cause more abscesses, which is very bad for fertility.

    To get a better picture of how pelvic diseases affect fertility, you should note that, once a pathogenic bacteria such as gonorrhoea or chlamydia gets access above the cervix to the
    uterus and uterine tubes, if not stopped by the use of antibiotics or arrested by the body's immune system, the inside surfaces of the tubes become denuded of their skin called the
    epithelia lining. Several white blood cells, in their attempt to contain the infection, form a closed cavity around the pathogenic bacteria. This space becomes so filled with the multiplying bacteria and fluids that that area of the tube become filled with pus.

    Even if treated at this stage, the damage has been done. The destroyed lining of the tube may cause gluing together of the walls of the tube, causing blockage of the tube later, to both
    egg and sperm cells. For pregnancy to occur, the sperm cells and the ovum must meet in the tubes for fertilization to occur and the product of fertilization must be transported from the tube
    to the uterine cavity on time for implantation. So, even if the tubes don't get blocked by agglutination of their walls due to stickiness caused by past infections, the destruction of the
    tubal lining still affect fertility because the ciliary wave motion of the tubes that serve to move the fertilized ovum down to the uterus right on time for implantation, is lost.

    What could be worst is that, if the tubal abscess opens or leaks from the end of the tube, the ovary at that end of the tube may stick to the tube and become the far wall of another abscess
    cavity, which is now bigger and more destructive. This is called a tubo-ovarian abscess and it causes a complete obliteration of fertility on the side it occurs, since the tube, ovary and all
    its eggs are destroyed.

    It is estimated that 5-10% of women with PID develop the most severe form, tubo-ovarian abscess. Women with this condition tend to be older (in their thirties and forties) and they also
    suffer severe pain and probably nausea, vomiting and abdominal distension.

    Although, apart from untreated sexually transmitted diseases, tubo-ovarian abscess can also arise due to some other factors and these include:

    • Post pelvic surgery
    • Uterine perforation at the time of D&C or any vaginal procedure
    • Bowel perforation following ruptured appendicitis
    • Bowel perforation following diverticulitis
    • Pelvic malignancy

    Pelvic inflammation disease that has degenerated into abscess cavities is usually treated initially with a broad spectrum antibiotic. The abscess is usually seen as a mixed infection, because, though, the initial infection is often from a STD bacteria, multiple different bacteria from the bowel tract may become involved in the abscess due to transmigration across swollen, inflamed bowel walls surrounding the abscess area. Usually, at least two to three different antibiotics are
    required immediately diagnosis is made. If the infection doesn't improve, usually within 72hours, then some sort of surgical drainage of the abscess is required. If all these fail, then as
    a last resort, exploratory surgery removing all of the infected tissue is carried out.

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  • posted by Fertility Goddess @ 7:28 AM   0 comments

    Tuesday, April 17, 2007

    Female Infertility and Lifestyle Choices

    Author: Michael Russell

    There is a growing concern about fertility in the whole industrialized world today. Almost 14% of couples have infertility problems. There is a fear that infertility is on the increase and about 40-50% of these problems are associated with the woman. It is amazing to note, however, that there are many things that can affect reproductive health, that we as humans have control over. Lifestyle choices like smoking, alcohol consumption, caffeine healthy/unhealthy eating habits, weight, sexual practices and so forth all have impact on fertility and it is within our ability to control all these.

    Most women are unaware as to how important these choices can be with regard to future attempts to conceive. It will be in order to examine these lifestyle choices and how much they affect our reproductive health.

    Weight Problems & Fertility

    On both sides of the scale, body weight plays a vital role in fertility. Obesity has been associated with infertility and menstrual irregularities. Women who are overweight but without Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) suffer the same problems with ovulation and menstrual anomalies as women with PCOS and in most cases, this is found to be inexplicable medically. But it has been shown that group treatment programs that help obese women with diets and exercise plans have caused a return of fertility in many patients. In overweight women with ovulation and menstrual irregularity, a weight loss of 6.5kg (15lbs) has been shown to restore normal ovulation. Therefore, it is believed that the improvement in insulin resistance achieved with the weight loss has more to do with restoring ovulation than the actual amount of weight loss itself. Several studies have shown that a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 23-30 is considered overweight and a BMI above 30 is said to be obese.

    Just as overweight is bad for fertility, extreme underweight has also been shown to cause ovulatory dysfunction and thus infertility. In a woman with anideal body weight (BMI of 20-25)
    a moderate weight loss of 10-15% can cause menstrual irregularity and a weight gain in such underweight women has also been shown to restore ovulation and pregnancy in most cases. A BMI of 17.5-20 is considered underweight and below 17.5 is severely underweight.

    Smoking & Fertility

    Over the years, several reports have consistently reiterated that smoking decreases fertility.

    Smokers suffer a risk of menopause1.5-3 years earlier than normal, decreased estrogen with breakthrough bleeding and a shortened luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. All these suggest
    that smoking exerts some toxic effects on the follicles directly. Also, nicotine, a component of cigarette smoke has been shown to concentrate in cervical mucous and the metabolites
    have also been found in the follicular fluid. This is believed to be responsible for delayed follicular growth and maturation in smokers. Smoking is also associated with an increased
    incidence of ectopic pregnancy and an increased spontaneous abortion rate which also suggests it affects the uterine tubes and tubal motility.

    Delayed Childbearing & Fertility

    Civilization also comes with its consequences. It is common to see women in industrialized nations delaying childbearing to pursue educational and career opportunities till later years.

    What most women in this regard do not realize is that aging brings with it many effects that affect almost every part of the body and the reproductive system is not left out. Some of the
    effects of age on fertility include:

    - Depletion, over time, of the ovarian follicles affecting menstrual and ovulatory regularity - endometriosis has more time to produce scarring of the ovaries and tubes, reducing free
    movement of these organs. It can even take the place of the ovarian follicular tissues, if ovarian endometriosis persists and grows.

    - Fibroids can slowly grow causing endometrial bleeding that can disrupt implantation sites or even distort the endometrial cavity which affects the ability to carry pregnancy in the early

    - Abdominal adhesions from other intra abdominal surgery or ruptured ovarian cysts can also affect tubal motility, required to sweep the ovaries and gather an ovulated egg.

    Alcohol and Infertility

    The total effects of alcohol consumption on fertility may not be clear, but what is known for certain is that alcohol abuse does constitute a risk of infertility . In a survey, women with high
    alcohol use reported more menstrual and gynaecological surgery. Alcohol has also been shown to alter estrogen and progesterone levels and also cause anovulation (menstruation without
    ovulation). But what is not clear, however, is how much alcohol consumption is bad for fertility, or alternatively, how much is safe. It is established that during pregnancy, an average of
    2 drinks per day or more can produce fetal alcohol syndrome birth defects. Another study showed that a consumption of more than 100 grams of alcohol a week (1 drink per day) is associated with 60% increase in ovulation difficulties.

    Other Fertility Factors

    Also, increased caffeine consumption has been shown to affect the ability to become pregnant and carry the pregnancy. This is because caffeine clearance from the body is decreased during the luteal phase. Animal and human research data also show an increased risk of spontaneous abortions with increased caffeine use and a decreased fetal growth during pregnancy with
    increased caffeine intake. Consumption of three or less servings of coffee per day may be harmless, but more than this amount i.e. greater than 300mg per day may lead to fertility problems.

    Women with Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) stand a greater risk of infertility and untreated STDs especially gonorrhoea and chlamydia, are the major cause of PID.

    The choices we make everyday have a positive or negative impact on our ability to conceive.

    Decide to make the right decisions today and enjoy a better reproductive health.

    About the author:
    Michael Russell

    Your Independent guide to

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  • posted by Fertility Goddess @ 1:30 PM   0 comments

    Child Adoption

    Author: Robert Thatcher

    So you've met the person who you want to spend the rest of your life with. You get married, ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after. Right?

    Well perhaps "happily every after" is subjective and means something different to different people. But whatever happens after you ride off into the sunset and disappear into the horizon, your married life will eventually have to make room for the little pitter patter of tiny feet. Right?

    Well there are quite a few married couples who realize that for one reason or another, they cannot bear children. Some married couples try for years to get pregnant, try all the
    fertility treatments (mainstream and alternative) and still come up empty handed.

    There are also some married couples who either married too late or waited too long so they reach the stage of past child-bearing age and suddenly, they feel they want a child. Then there are still some couples who have their own children and yet they feel the need to spread their joy and love further to other children still.

    How ever different these three scenarios are, there may come a point in their lives when they will come across the life altering question they need to ask themselves, "Am I ready to
    adopt a child?"

    The scarlet letter

    Child adoption is a big step in a married couple's lives and may be one of the biggest decisions they will have to make together that have a long lasting impact in their lives. Having children
    is a big responsibility in itself and child adoption brings with it its own set of sensitivities.

    For all the right reasons

    If you a childless married couple who have come to the end of their ropes in the hopes of conceiving, please take into consideration that child adoption isn't necessarily the answer to your problem. Continued unsuccessful attempts at trying to conceive can greatly strain a married couple's relationship and it can test even the strongest of the strong.

    At the point where you seem desperately grasping at straws, you might think of adopting a child to keep the marriage together. But think it through thoroughly because you are bringing in a
    new life into yours and it wouldn't be fair to adopt under these circumstances. Remember, adopting a child doesn't mean that all your problems will be solved. Adding a new member to your already chaotic relationship may even result in more harm than good.

    Child adoption is a big responsibility that has a huge potential to further add love and fulfillment in a married couple's life provided that they do so after they have considered all they
    need to consider and make the necessary adjustments for it.

    Will it work for you?

    So you've come to a decision that you want to adopt a child. You may be emotionally and mentally ready individually and as a couple enough to embark on this path but are you ready in other aspects?

    First do some research and find out the requirements for child adoption . Also, find out statistics like how quickly can you expect to be able to find a child to adopt and bring home. Finding these details out will help both of you manage expectations.

    Whatever you've been through to get to the point of wanting to adopt, remember to not focus so much on the fact that you cannot conceive your own children, instead, think of the parent-less
    child you will be bringing into your loving home soon.

    About the author:
    Robert Thatcher is a freelance publisher based in Cupertino, California. He publishes articles and reports in various ezines

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  • posted by Fertility Goddess @ 1:04 PM   0 comments